Sunday 15 April 2012

Asia Championship 2012

Although i didnt join the tournament, i still managed to see and learn tricks i could do with decks and chains. I will train hard to join the next asia championship 2013 and hope to see you guys there!
      Veilers be veilin',

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Deck profile of the month :)

Hey :) this is the deck profile of the month and i changed my deck to zombiesworn which is a combination of zombie and lightsworns , it has a good control of the graveyard and thats what all this deck is about

3x Goblin zombie
2x Jain , lightsworn paladin
2x Caius , the shadow monarch
2x leila , lightsworn magician
2x zombie master
1x Dandelion
1x mezuki
1x raikou , lightsworn hunter
1x Gorz , envoy of hades
1x Dark arm dragon
2x chaos sorcerer
1x zombie carrier
1x sangan
1x trigodia
1x erhan , lightsworn monk

1x monster reborn
1x reinforcement of the light
1x heavy storm
1x MST
1x allure of darkness
1x foolish burial
1x dark hole
1x enemy controller
1x burial from a different dimension
2x zombie world

3x call of the haunted
2x torrential tribute
1x solemn judgement
1x solemn warning
1x bottomless trap hole

This decks still needs improvement , because i just started this new deck....... you might wanna add in 1 or 2 effect veiler, so maybe?the reason i put in 3 call of the haunted is because when my opponent uses MSt on my face down call of the haunted, i can chain to it and special summon dandelion , goblin or sangan and reuse the effect.

And im gonna post up the card review of the month, so do remeber to come back :D


Friday 6 April 2012

In-house Mini Tournament 6/4/2012

Player : Luther
Deck used : Offering Gadgets
Game 1( Lightlord ) O-O-/

1) Beatdown with gadgets for he had a really bad hand
2)Bottomless and warnings protect gadgets, then rush for game with hope and some gadgets(he had a bad hand again)

Game 2( Inzektors ) O-O-/

1)Veilers and compulsory devices were enough to kill damsels & centipedes, aspiring hope for final wack
2)Sided in heavily, although first few gadgets were veilered, hanged on with breakers. later with both fields clear, drew yellow gadget (top draw) and wack for game

Game 3( Naturia Control ) X-O-O

1)Naturia bamboo shoot in his first turn, died shortly after rai-ohs and mantis beatdown
2)Started of with a decent hand, but had to take in a few hits from his rai-oh before smashing ground it. he had a s/t hand while i gadget beatdown to game
3)started of with a hand of pots and smashing grounds. monster reborn his cherry to make android for a few turns to counter bamboo shoot. managed to find a chance to offering gadget and wack him from 8000 to 100hp. declared colour rulers eff for monster effect and he scooped up his cards.

Final game 4! ( Infernity ) O-O-/
1) sorry i forgot
2) he started with a set monster and 3 backrow. activated inferno on my turn to build up his grave with stygian patrols. we burnt through each others lifepoints only to find both empty fields and hands. draw.. GADGET!! summon and left him with 2000+hp. he then top drawed  archfiend  which left me with 1000+hp. draw.. OMG AVARICE, gained back 5 of my gadgets to the deck. draw a breaker and a compulsory device. summon breaker to destroy archfiend and compulsory the next turn. green gadget and breaker the OP warrior wack for game.
          *Todays tourney was a little short cause it was a tourney between our cliche. Thats all for today ya!